Arch. Mor Temor is international Architecture firm committed to designing unique buildings and one of a kind architectural concepts.
4. Future possibilities for cities design
Ambitious projects to live the city
We dream of new technological breakthroughs in the design of cities and urban places. We are told that new technologies will transform the city, but there is little concrete evidence of such developments.
Mor Temor firm proposing ambitious plans to change living stile in our cities, looking for new ideas, new technologies to re-design the city, Mor Temor hope to improve the urban spaces.
However, Mor Temor hope to build cities with unique buildings that become one with their natural settings. With keen attention to structure solutions, Mor Temor projects embody a language that weaves together the ancient and modern forms of the site. When Mor Temor weaves together these elements with the traditional and modern materials along with new technologies (photovoltaic’s, hydroponics, i.e.) the site flourishes.
Mor Temor is focusing his efforts on an ongoing mission to create structures that reduce at minimum the impact on the environment; to be green.
Arch. Mor Temor