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2.4  World Floating City - ‘Freedom Ship’

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The design concepts include a mobile-floating modern city, ‘Freedom Ship’, featuring luxurious living, an extensive duty-free international shopping mall, and a full 1.7 million square foot (160,000 m²) floor set aside for various companies to showcase their products. ‘Freedom Ship’ was a concept proposed by Norman Nixon. One has a design length of  4,500 feet (1400 m), a width of 750 feet (230 m), and a height of 350 feet (110 m). ‘Freedom Ship’ would not be a cruise ship, it is proposed to be a unique place to live, work, retire, vacation, or visit. The proposed voyage would continuously circle the globe, covering most of the world’s coastal regions. Its large fleet of commuter aircraft and hydrofoils would ferry residents and visitors to and from shore (Fig. 7).


 Fig. 7  ‘Freedom Ship’ (Front view).


The ‘Freedom Ship’ has little in common with a conventional ship; it is actually nothing more than a big barge. The bolt-up construction and the unusually large amount of steel incorporated into the ship meets the design engineer’s requirements for stability and structural integrity and the cost engineer’s requirements of “economic feasibility” but the downside is a severe reduction in top speed, making the ship useless for any existing requirements. For example, it would be too slow to be a cruise ship or a cargo ship.

The designers incorporated the following amenities into this mobile-floating modern city:


  • 18,000 living units.
  • 3,000 commercial units.
  • 2,400 time-share units.
  • 10,000 hotel units.
  • A World Class Cassino
  • A ferryboat transportation system.
  • A World-Class Medical Facility.
  • A School System.
  • An International Trade Center.
  • More than 100 acres of outdoor Park (Alexander, 2008).


Arch. Mor Temor

Changing the world, one structure at a time...