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e. The Gardens and Parks

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During the long history of evolution progress, human has acquired a kind of ability to appreciate nature, to enjoy life and formed some psychological dependency upon nature. Through realizing and sensing this kind of emotion can they better understand selves, establish and strengthen self-identification (Lu, 2000).

In short, people need contact with trees and plants and water. In some way, which is hard to express, people are able to be more whole in the presence of nature, are able to go deeper into themselves, and are somehow able to draw sustaining energy from the life of plants and trees and water.

In a city, gardens and parks try to solve this problem; but they are usually so close to traffic, noise, and buildings that the impact of nature is entirely lost. To be truly useful, in the deepest psychological sense, they must allow the people in them to be in touch with nature – and must be shielded from the sight and sound of passing traffic, city noises, and buildings. This requires walls, substantial high walls, and dense planting all around the garden.

In those few cases where there are small walled gardens in a city, open to the public – Alhambra, Copenhagen Royal Library Garden – these gardens almost always become famous. People understand and value the peace which they create (Christopher, 2000).

Green space system should be regarded as the basic element in balancing urban spatial structure and a necessary link between city and rural land. So it is reasonable to bring green space system into city planning. Urban green space should surround the whole city and nature should come into city, to keep the ecological balance of city. And of course, urban spatial pattern based on the integrate green space system, can attract more attention of the investors (Lu, 2000).

Furthermore, City parks give a place an identity. They can be designed to be well loved and well used if well located (Jon, 1994).


Arch. Mor Temor

Changing the world, one structure at a time...